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Getting Things Started

Hello, I'm guessing if you are looking at my site that means you are interested in YouTubers. I, myself, have been intrigued for most of my life by the concept of capturing one's life on YouTube. Not only do you disclose personal parts of one's life, but you also build a community of people willing to support you through thick and thin.

Many of these communities grow out of the extra effort of the Tuber, or the relate-ability between the viewer and the Tuber. So as I expand on these Youtubers I will be looking at how they act, relate, and disclose to their viewers. I will also discuss the content and how the YouTuber has posted from when they started to now. YouTube has been a place where people go to escape the daily struggles that many people feel, to which I understand completely. Looking at some gaming YouTuber's like Markiplier, fans donate money to live streams just so he can read their messages, and many of which discuss mental health and how his channel has helped them. As someone who has had mental health issues I completely understand that thinking, and a good YouTuber would try to connect with that fan and the general public.

I know I posted the vlog but I feel like this is my first time actually posting. I know that most of this is just my own observation, but that being said, I like to do a fair amount of research before I share that opinion. I really look forward to deeper conversations on YouTubers that you all like, and looking into different YouTubers.

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