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Abridged videos. Abridged episodes are based on different TV shows where actors perform voice overs for characters (mostly animes) usually making fun of the show or the actions they take within the show.

TeamFourStar makes abridged episodes of Dragon Ball Z and I have to say that it is HILARIOUS! It pretty much is just a show about making fun of Krillin dying all the time, and if you have seen the show and know who that is... you know he dies way too often.

If you like anime and seeing your favorite characters ramble on about weird and random things then you'll love this channel. TeamFourStar has turned a classic and much loved show into it's own thing.

In fact, many of the actors keep their character's voice when they perform in other shows. For instance, the voice actor for Vegeta (Lanipator) does let's plays for other video games as Vegeta. If you know Vegeta then you know that he has no patience for anything, and makes watching his let's plays hilarious.

TeamFourStar also plays Dungeons and Dragons and has even started to put together Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged episodes up.

There is some great content and I encourage you to watch them. There's really not much to say about them other than the actors and whoever writes for them are phenomenal.

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